It's almost time for the next planned demonstrations here in the UK, but let's be honest, we aren't being listened to are we?
All responses to the student protests have been high hatted explanations to those that don't know better about how these cuts have to happen in order to stave off serious financial reprocussions in the future. All this from a bunch of people that not only put us in this hole but thought that bailing out the richest by mortgaging your grand childrens future was prudent - after selling much of your nations gold off at rock bottom prices. They claim to know better, claim we don't know what we are talking about or that they don't know what we are talking about!
As for protest, our political reprehensitives know exactly what the British people are annoyed about as they cause most of it!
I hope the protest movement grows in the UK, I truly do. It's high time that the British people represented themselves and gave up accepting the poor service offered by those that dig deep into our pockets to pay themselves before spreading OUR money around as though they have hit the jackpot. The failings of successive governments is not acceptable, neither is the worn out 'get out of jail free card' - "it not our fault, it's those that were in before." That old chestnut sounded reasonable for a while, but when you consider that fact that most of them went to the same schools and largely studied the same subjects to become 'professional' politicians these days, it really just smacks of flimflam.
For British protest to become effective we need to broaden the scale and hit the streets in all of our major cities [without violence] EVERY Saturday until they quit the double talk and start talking turkey. Who has the numbers? How many officers would it take to kettle 100 000 people in London, Birmingham & Manchester? How many horses do you need to charge people in all your town centres each and every Saturday?
There's an easy answer to being effective when you have the numbers, the hard part is coming together when you have been conditioned into being:
Smoker, Non-smoker, toker, drunk, tee-total, Black, White, Nationalist, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Man, Woman, Straight, Gay, Bi, Angry, Chilled, Employed, Under-employed, Unemployed, Educated, Ill educated, Inferior, Superior and/or Frightened.
Only a partial list, to make a point but don't the differences really just make us interesting? What unites the over whelming majority of Brits though is that however you may define yourself individually - as a whole you are being regularly lied to, used, abused, cheated and manipulated by the state.
No one wants a "bloody revolution", I'm sure. Most of us want some work and enough money to enjoy something of life. Some are happy enough without work or the perks it brings. Others are so driven they will always rise through the ranks and gain more stuff for themselves. It's a BIG world and all have a place. But the balance has long since been tipped too far in favour of the few that strive, above all others, and that isn't right. So far in fact that it will take wide scale action to put right. Until we (Brits) want to make a change, we will continue to watch these state sanctioned processions take place (so the news can report demockracy in action) with a little faux violence thrown in to justify even harsher controlling mechanisms - with little or no results.
I hope the protest passes peacefully and encourages many more people to join many more protests to show that If we're paying - we're playing!
Best wishes to all involved.