Friday, May 21, 2010

UK - Why so scarred?

I have often wondered how much the lack of energy to stand up and be counted these days is due to the miners strikes of the mid 80s.

In the UK many of us watched it, the rest have been brought up by those that watched it. They watched Thatcher ship in masses of police from all over the country to beat men that made a stand into submission. Men that were striking to save their jobs from Polish ships bringing in Polish coal. If you didn't know families split in two by the conflict - and they were, violently - then you certainly saw it reported. Men chose to fight for their rights, in some cases for almost a year, many losing their homes and most relying on support to keep at it. They lost their fight, their jobs and in too many cases their communities.

But the rest of the UK population watched it unfold. They carried on working and paying bills. They watched the drama unfold each night on the evening news whilst they ate their dinners. Despite a gnawing guilt, most will have been glad it wasn't happening to them.

That strike was the first time I 'felt' like I was watching people being programmed.

What was the message slipped in with the ITN jingle? Don't start or you're next.

The programming has been constantly reinforced ever since. Endless new toys and gadgets for the good boys and girls (say it wasn't so late 80's until recently). In your face threats (Dr Kelly springs to mind as an example I have heard whispered behind hands) keep those in the middle from straying off line. The encouragement of violence at protests and the subsequent police backlash should make someone who WANTS to DO something think better about it. In fact, I'd go another step further now and suggest the encouragement of violence in society at large. In the UK I am sure most people now live within 15 minutes of somewhere they wouldn't want their wife walking alone after dark. Ultra effective eh!

How much has the guilt of survival and the fear of being next fueled the head down waxing of cars and the buying of handbags?

Peace & Best Wishes


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Soil Association organic box schemes.

Given the amount of people questioning basic health and nutrition, I thought it would be a good idea to list the organic box schemes around the UK that are certified by the Soil Association.

Since we switched to this way of shopping at home our food bill has dropped (we don't waste or graze due to empty calories) and the rise in our general level of health was quickly obvious. Given the range of organic products stocked in our local producers shop we now buy almost all of our grocery shopping from them and have it delivered at a minimal cost.

We support our local SA certified organic producers and hope that as a whole organic producers continue to build their reputation with the UK public for providing quality food with minimum food miles.

Bridgefoot Organic Farm (Aberdeenshire) Website
Grow Wild Ltd (Lothian) Website
Lanley Steading (Clackmannanshire) 01259 769029
Lembas (Aberdeenshire) 01569 731746
Mcleod Organics (Inverness) Website
Natural Vegetable Company (Inverness) 01463 250440
Oxenfoord Organics (Midlothian) Website
Pillars of Hercules Farm (Fife) Website
Rosebrae (Aberdeenshire) 01888 544877
South West Fullarton (Perthshire) 01828 640391
Stair Organic Growers (Ayrshire) Website

North West England
Cheshire Organics (Cheshire) Website
Eva's Organics (Cumbria) Website
Faulkners Organics (Lancashire) 01706 823158
Foodlife Doorstep Deliveries (Cheshire) Website
Growing with Grace (North Yorks) Website
Growing with Nature (Lancs) Website
Limited Resources (Stockport) Website
Mossley Organic Fine Foods (Manchester) Website
Organic Direct (Merseyside) 01517 076949
Riverford on Stockley Farm (Cheshire) Website
The Farmshed (Lancashire) Website
Windmill Wholefood Co-op (Merseyside) Website

North East
G & S Organics (Northumberland) Website
North East Organic Growers (Northumberland) Website
Riverford on Home Farm (North Yorks) Website
Roots and Shoots (Tyne and Wear) 01915 225252

Yorkshire & Humber
Arthur Street Trading Co (East Yorks) Website
Avid Organics (South Yorks) Website
Bluebell Organics (North Yorks) Website
Elm Tree Farm (East Yorks) 01262 468128
Goosemoor Organics (West Yorks) Website
Green Growers (East Yorks) 01377 255362
Paradise Farm Organics (North Yorks) Website
Sheffield Whole Foods Ltd (South Yorks) 01142 476903
The Giant Peach (South Yorks) 01142 476903
Wild Star Food (South Yorks) Website

C&M Organics (Carmarthenshire) Website
Cilcarw Fach (Carmarthenshire) 01269 870212
Dimensions Health Store (Gwynedd) Website
Ffynnon Samson (Pembrokeshire) 01437 532570
Green Cuisine Organic Food (Cardiff) Website
Jade Gate Organic Produce (Swansea)
Jubilee Produce (Swansea) 01559 370082
Organic Fresh Food Company (Ceredigion) Website
Organics To Go Ltd (Carmarthenshire) Website
Pengelli Farm House (Carmarthenshire) 01994 419481
Whitebrook Organic Growers (Monmouthshire) 01633 400406
Ysgubor Bach (Anglsey) 01407 742293

West Midlands
Arkstone Mill Produce (Here) 01981 251135
Down to Earth (W. Midlands) Website
Flights Orchard Organics (Here) Website
Four Seasons Organics Ltd (Shropshire) Website
Goodbehere (W.Midlands) Website
Malhollam Farm (Here) 01544 213465
Myriad Organics (Shrops) Website
Organic Enterprises (Warwicks) 02476 308201
Organic Planet (W.Midlands) Website
Oxton Organics (Worces) Website
Reality Bites (Warwicks) Website
Skylark Organics (Here) Website
Whitethorn Farm (Here) 01432 840959
Wild & Free (Warwicks) Website

East Midlands
Bambury Organic Farm (Leic) 01162 478907
Chevelswarde Organic (leic) Website
Corner Plot Vegetables (Leic) 01162 607920
Eden Farms (Lincs) Website
Fenellas Garden (Lincs) Website
Goodness Direct (Northhants) Website
Meynell Langley (Derbys) Website
Naturally Good Food (Leic) Website
Polebrooke Hayes Farm (Leic) 01455 824264
Raw & Pure (Leicestershire) Website
Red Earth Organics (Notts) Website
Scotts Garden Ltd (Derbys) 01629 583009
Soyfoods Ltd (Leic) Website
Springfield Farm Bungalow (Leic) 01455 272840
Wild Carrot (Derbys) Website
Woodlands Farm (Lincs) Website

East of England
Desmond Duncans (Suffolk) Website
Huges Organics (Cambs) 01953 454989
Mayfield Organics (Cambs) 01353 862251
Organic Connections (Cambs) Website
Salle Organics (Norfolk) Website
Sarah Greens Organics (Essex) Website
Sunrise Organics (Essex) Website
The Organic Box (Suffolk) Website
Waterland Organics (Cambs) Website

Boxbush Farm (Somerset) Website
Coleshill Organics (Wilts) Website
Duchy Home Farm (Glous) 01666 503507
Green & Pleasant (Dorset) 01300 341262
Hendra Farm Organics (Cornwall) 01872 572301
Hindon Organic Farm (Somerset) Website
JP Organics (Somerset) Website
Leigh Court Farm (Bristol) Website
Maddocks Farm (Devon) 01884 266808
Marshford Organic Foods (Devon) Website
Moonraker Farm (Wilts) 01672 851187
Olive Grove Organics (Devon) 01822 840382
Out of the Box (Devon) 01297 489775
Peradon Organic Farm (Devon) Website

Riverford on Stockley Farm
(Devon) Website
Rock Park Organics (Cornwall) 01822 832178
Rod & Bens (Devon) Website
Rural Foods Ltd (Dorset) Website
Shillingford Organics (Exeter) Website
Slipstream Organics (Glous) Website
Somerset Organic Link (Somerset) Website
Spring Grove Market Garden (Somerset) 07596 429531
Stoneage Organics (Somerset) Website
Tallywacker Farm (Wilts) Website
The Better Food Co (Bristol) Website
Tree of Life Organics (Cornwall) Website

Abel & Cole (London) Website
Ashhurst Organics (East Sussex) 01273 891219
Barcombe Nurseries (east Sussex) 01273 400011
Body & Soul Organics (Surrey) 07970 705882
Chipping Norton Organics (Oxfords) Website
Church View Organic Farm (Kent) 01732 886680
Godshill Organics (Isle of Wight) Website
Growing Communities (London) Website
Hankham Organics (East Sussex) Website
Harroway Organic Garden (Hamps) 01256 895346
Hasslemere Health Foods (Surrey) 01428 658294
Ivy House (Kent) 01227 720567
Laverstoke House Farm (Hamps) Website
Luddesdown Organic Farms (Kent) Website
LV Heathcote & Partners (Hamps) Website
North Aston Organics (Oxfords) Website
Ripple Farm Organics Box Scheme (Kent) Website
Sunnyfields Organic Farm (Hamps) Website
The ethical Food Co (Buckingham) 01296 733737
Tolhusrt Organic Produce (Berks) Website
Veg Out (West Sussex) 01243 781438
Wayside Organics (West Sussex) Website

Northern Ireland
Burrenwood Produce (County Down) Website
Orchard Organics (Armagh) Website

Peace & Best Wishes


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Making an aquaintance

You will have seen the planned increase in the percentage needed to get a vote of no confidence, 51% - 55%, announced on the 13th May. Given the fact the conservatives hold a 47% share of seats in parliament it struck me as a severe blow to the system of checks and balances that holds governments accountable.

So I emailed my MP about it as soon as I saw the BBC news report that sold it as a 'fait acomplis' aside in the deal done with Nick Clegg.

As this is my first encounter with my new Tory right honorable member. I began by congratulating him on his recent success, wished him well in his new post and hoped he would represent his constituents well from his new position. I then went on to explain my alarm at the move suggested, the way it is reported as a done deal and my reasoning behind my being against such a move. To his credit I received a reply by email within the hour asking for my home address in order to reply.

I was content with the small amount of time invested. Well worth spending lunch writing that email and taking an active part in the system I pay for. He may as well add me to his contacts now anyway!

Sadly on the same day I had a conversation with someone who had a similar view on the whole thing, yet laughed at the fact I had bothered to write at all!

"Why bother, that won't change anything?" He said.

"Do nothing and you can be sure of the results." I said.

I don't expect I can change the world. But I can do a shit load more than lean on a bar complaining about MPs, what they don't do for us and how they look out for themselves.

If you email your MP every time he/she does something you don't agree with:

1. They KNOW you are watching, when you OPPOSE and that you are prepared to get INVOLVED.

2. They will have to consider YOUR view, because at the very least they MUST reply.

3. They know you are on the net. How many MPs want you Blogging about how LITTLE they did to represent you?

Despite the massive power corporate £s have in lobbying your MP one way or another it is still wrong to do so - hence covered as 'contributions'. They still depend on your VOTE to get that cushy seat, subsidized food and expense claims. They still HAVE to play the GAME of representing you.

There are almost 650 MPs representing millions of voters. It wouldn't take many of us engaging in our usually ignored democratic right to make them hear OUR view, perhaps 1 in 10. The game is being played every day, with or without you. When you choose not to play and allow your MP free reign YOU are as guilty as him when abuses happen. Your MP is one aspect of democracy, YOU are the other.

Do your bit. Play the game.

Peace & Best Wishes


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Yes I know it's not spelled like that. I just felt it described my view well on that aspect of the human condition that seems to have such an over whelming hold these days.

Apathy, careful it's catching!

Not that I am entirely without blame. I know intimately the bliss of apathy. I spent enough years indulging in my own agenda without thought for much outside my sphere. Fueled by a hedonistic lifestyle and a growing frustration with a political system that failed I happily let the world sort itself out. Though it didn't last. I could ignore the system but the system didn't ignore me!

After losing the thirst for every new gadget and fad I began to ask.
"What do I really want?"
For me the answer was buying less, saving more and enjoying the things that mattered most rather than indulgence in passing fancies. Then, some years later, the 'global financial crisis' hit.

Now I find myself staring down the barrel of a third world lifestyle with first world taxes. My political representatives have long since given up representing the people they pretend to represent. Bankers take obscene bonuses for failing and then get us (taxpayers) to pour ever more into supporting their profits. Corporations support vast profits by investing in politicians. No longer parties, but all politicians. Well the best way to win the horse race is to own them all eh?

Given the deepening financial crises where 'too big to fail' banks financially terrorizes governments into producing vast amounts of money, effectively turning the rich/poor divide into a gulf that will be impossible to cross. There is little doubt in my mind now that times are set to become very much harder and remain so.

So I began to use the web to look around for others with a similar outlook and there are many. Lots have a similar view. They see corruption or they see the erosion of their rights. Some see a global elite others understand the headlines put before us. Lots of them use online forums to 'chat' about their epiphanies or share their insights. Some even write blogs on the popular subjects. But I haven't found many, yet, that are actually doing something about the problems they see.

That was a moving moment for me. Reading the thoughts of others, some I agreed with others I didn't but listened to, but most I respected - indeed I still do. Realizing that a post on a forum was the sum total of their contribution to the system that they pay heavily to complain about was a deep low.

My response? To express myself more. To be the change I want to see in the world.

This blog is about my taking part in life. Not as a husband, a dad, a national insurance number or an IP number. But as someone who cares.

Peace & Best Wishes
