Apathy, careful it's catching!
Not that I am entirely without blame. I know intimately the bliss of apathy. I spent enough years indulging in my own agenda without thought for much outside my sphere. Fueled by a hedonistic lifestyle and a growing frustration with a political system that failed I happily let the world sort itself out. Though it didn't last. I could ignore the system but the system didn't ignore me!
After losing the thirst for every new gadget and fad I began to ask.
"What do I really want?"
For me the answer was buying less, saving more and enjoying the things that mattered most rather than indulgence in passing fancies. Then, some years later, the 'global financial crisis' hit.
Now I find myself staring down the barrel of a third world lifestyle with first world taxes. My political representatives have long since given up representing the people they pretend to represent. Bankers take obscene bonuses for failing and then get us (taxpayers) to pour ever more into supporting their profits. Corporations support vast profits by investing in politicians. No longer parties, but all politicians. Well the best way to win the horse race is to own them all eh?
Given the deepening financial crises where 'too big to fail' banks financially terrorizes governments into producing vast amounts of money, effectively turning the rich/poor divide into a gulf that will be impossible to cross. There is little doubt in my mind now that times are set to become very much harder and remain so.
So I began to use the web to look around for others with a similar outlook and there are many. Lots have a similar view. They see corruption or they see the erosion of their rights. Some see a global elite others understand the headlines put before us. Lots of them use online forums to 'chat' about their epiphanies or share their insights. Some even write blogs on the popular subjects. But I haven't found many, yet, that are actually doing something about the problems they see.
That was a moving moment for me. Reading the thoughts of others, some I agreed with others I didn't but listened to, but most I respected - indeed I still do. Realizing that a post on a forum was the sum total of their contribution to the system that they pay heavily to complain about was a deep low.
My response? To express myself more. To be the change I want to see in the world.
This blog is about my taking part in life. Not as a husband, a dad, a national insurance number or an IP number. But as someone who cares.
Peace & Best Wishes
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