It hasn't taken many generations of spoiled kids bringing up spoiled kids to end up with an adult population that acts like it needs nappies. And some people wonder why those that govern (read take on your responsibilities) have become lazy, greedy and treat us like fools that don't know what's best for them. The mass they govern act like naughty kids and so the response is to enforce rules and regulations to try to keep the brats inline. Do the kids even know what freedom is anymore?
Of course they do. It's the world cup on a 5 foot plasma TV and a reclining sofa from DFS(interest free until Dec 2012) - but only if you can shut the Ritalin munchers away in another room with the latest x-station game. A four pack of Stella in the fridge, Cora on series link on the Sky+ and a blister pack of 'brufen for the morning and that's freedom right there in your living room.
A look at the Isle of Man and how it works day to day is a pointer to what a society can do when it chooses to and it's based (at least in part) on personal responsibility. For example there's no MOT on the island, it's your responsibility to keep your vehicle road worthy. If it's not and you cause an accident you will loose what ever you own to pay for what you have done because your insurance will be void. The Police walk around, in and out of pubs and chat with people. You respect them for it and they show respect to you. When a gang of you are hanging around
chatting after the pub closes they will wander up, join in the chat and eventually move you on - respectfully. You act like adults, they act like adults and everyone treats everyone else like adults. I'm sure many mainland UK residents can't imagine it.
What's the cost of the 'freedom' not to be bovvered costing us eh? A cartload more than the cost of being personally responsible I'd suggest.
But what has irresponsibility actually cost the UK as a society? Well aside from the financial costs passed on to the taxpayer to fund most of it we have round the clock armed
Police guards protecting Westminster 24/7 from a group of mountain based terrorists in Pakistan. We have
intrusive air and sea port security.
CCTV everywhere. Traffic wardens & bouncers given
'extra' responsibilities to help 'Police' the streets. The right to freely gather in public (
section 63) taken away. The right to be
safe walking the streets reduced dramatically. The right to let our kids
enjoy childhood and grow up in their own time. The right to
good food. The opportunity to
support our families eroded. The freedom to be
proud of your home country demonised (unless you leave that country). The freedom to
holiday when it suits you. Etc. Etc.
In short it's cost us the freedom to take part in deciding what we want for ourselves.
In return we now have the omnipotent God of Money passing on his 'word' through his corporate Diocese and over to the needy people via retail outlets in every town and city. His ministers are sales reps and the bishops of the faith are politicians. The message is to buy because you need. The prayer is to look like you have more than your nieghbour. The alter is a wall mounted plasma (big is best). The commandments are:
1. I am the currency your God.
2. Thou shalt not worship another method of payment.
3. Thou shalt not blaspheme your Gods name.
4. Remember thy Sunday opening hours, use them fully.
5. Spend hugely on thy mother and father.
6. Thou shalt not haggle for discounts.
7. Thou shalt not buy from the charity shop.
8. Thou shalt not worry about debt.
9. Thou shalt not hide thy spending from thy nieghbour.
10. Thou shalt covet thy neighbours apparent purchasing power.
AM I bovvered? Yeah. I'm livid and if you aren't I'd say you don't pay enough attention to what's happening around you!
Peace & Best Wishes