But just what is this refusal that Orde alludes to? Is it refusing to be nice after ripping your cell door off in 'A' block? Nope. Is it for attempting to cover up some reprehensible crime on behalf of your buddies? Nope. Is it for knowingly committing fraud because everyone else was or for taking part in some huge white collar crime scheme? Nope, getting colder. In this instance it appears to mean not engaging with the police before protesting and/or not having defined leaders. Who the hell does this man think he is The TerminatOrde? He barely stops short of blurting "Aaa'll be beck!"
So, let me re-cap. In this democracy we can protest as long as we ask to do so first and nominate a scapegoat beforehand. Otherwise we can expect a blast of CS for not moving when told.
Right.. OK...
In the interests of a decent democratic system that actually could have merit when you think about it - an addenum to the Common Law? If you ASK us and we agree you may continue with what you want to do as long as WE want you to do it. If we could spread that reasoning out into society as a whole and apply it to other aspects of modern life such as economics and war, amongst many others, it could have benefits.
You can use our money to take our men to war as long as we agree to your explanation of why beforehand and as long as you nominate who's responsible for if things turn out any different to the way you claimed.
You can make vast profits from lending money but only as long as we agree to the way you intend to go about it and you tell us who will be responsible in the event your business fails, causing huge losses and burden to the people that trusted the position you wanted and from which you continually profit greatly from.
It's growing on me!
I started out sceptical of this idea, a touch caustic even. But if we get this moving, it might just save us ALL a lot of trouble.
Discretion Advised
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